We are living in unprecedented times, and leaders today are challenged with guiding their organizations through the COVID-19 crisis. Now more than ever, it is critical that leaders and employees stay aligned in order to achieve near-term and long-term goals. Take a look at a few of our strategies to learn how Performix Group can help.

Identifying Actions and Priorities in a New Normal

Working remotely is a new concept for most of us. While a vast majority of the population are doing the same work just in a different environment, physical connection is a barrier we now face. Now is a critical time to create clarity and reinforce priorities, making sure leadership has their teams focused on what is most important right now. Assure employees that measures taken to navigate COVID-19 are temporary, and your leadership is working tirelessly to keep their teams on track. 

Establishing Alignment and Clarity for the Near Term

Creating clarity around what is most important right now can be conducted through a few different timeline structures. For instance, there is a 30-day, 7-day, and then your standard daily leadership team meetings.  A key focus of this cadence must be spent on identifying the most important actions by your individual leaders in the next 7 days. When 7-day actions are aligned against 30-day priorities, you putting your team in good position to achieve near-term goals.

This method is clearly a tactical focus: using 30-day rhythms that create team alignment and clarity in the near term.  Now you must begin to ask: What are the most important priorities that we should focusing on to keep this business afloat? What adjustments do we have to make to our strategy to take advantage of essential and non-essential opportunities?

It is essential to ensure that your current initiatives are still relevant, and you can adjust as needed.

A New “90” Focused on Emerging Successfully

Your 90-plans are focused on emergence from COVID-19. Key steps include:

  • Conducting cashflow analysis for 13 weeks/90 days
  • Stress testing financials
  • Creating scenario-based plans that are implemented as needed

This approach is a departure from your “normal” 90-day planning, but essential to survive now and, in the long term, thrive as a stronger, healthier, more aligned organization. Please contact me to see how Performix Group can help.

Next: Part Two – Rebuild with a Focus on Resilience