In your youth — if you played a sport, were on the dance team, the debate team, or in the band — you received coaching constantly.  It wasn’t quarterly or annually. It was real time; it was in the flow of the game.  It was now!

Compare that to the professional world where talent sits in a cube or walks the shop floor with little real feedback or direction on their performance.  It shouldn’t be surprising that organizations and individuals struggle to achieve their goals.  They struggle to create a consistent culture.  They struggle with low employee engagement and high turnover.

The key to creating a high-performing culture is linking together your employee’s personal goals with organizational goals and then driving performance by creating alignment on the most important focus areas and the necessary actions to perform. This is implemented by creating regular coaching rhythms, weekly or bi-weekly, no longer than monthly, where a leader and team member dialogue around the results, celebrate the wins and establish the most important actions to get done before the next coaching session.

Our “Coaching for Results” tool is focused on creating clarity and alignment in a one-page format.  The process allows leaders and team members to consistently get on the same page. It creates a collaboration tool that a manager and an employee can build, review, and update together. Rather than existing as just another document, the tool facilitates and records the progress of that real-time, flow of the game coaching that is missing in so many organizations.

Data that is documented and reviewed includes:

  • Important Success Metrics
  • Current Level of Performance
  • Short and Long-Terms Goals
  • Ways to Improve Performance and Show Results
  • Barriers to Improvement, and Resources for Help

Interested in learning more? Click here to download your copy of the Coaching for Results Tool from Performix Group and start the process of performance improvement for you and your people.